I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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Case Study #2

October 10th, 2025 by Scrivs

Two weeks ago I wrote about making the Fine Fools Network a public case study in building successful sites and possibly a successful network. One of the ways to measure this, although not perfect, is the amount of sites that link to them through Technorati. Again this is by no means close to perfect, but it does provide us with a picture of how well the sites are growing, if they are growing at all.

Many of the sites started at the bottom of the Technorati pile with 0 links from 0 sites and therefore earning a ranking of 775,745. I’m glad to see only one site is like that now (Movable Phone). Here are the numbers that I was able to retrieve today. First number is the ranking, second is the number of links and third is the number of sites linking to the site.

  • Gardgy: 141,140/26/14
  • I Like Cameras: 72,535/45/27
  • Movable Phone: 775,745/0/0
  • It’s Useless: 151,2459/27/13
  • Insert 25: 24,063/137/68
  • Damn I’m Cute: 141,140/29/14
  • Fine Fools Network: 62,255/69/31
  • Work Boxers: 9,092/270/133

And our two new additions.

  • Successful Blog: 17,403/165/87
  • Chef Vault 175,729/11/11

What’s important about these numbers isn’t the number of links, but the number of sites linking to the sites. I could easily manipulate the amount of links by including the whole list of sites at the end of each entry I post across all the sites, but this won’t change the number of sites linking to the sites.

Overall I am pleased by the growth and it’s not surprising to see that I Like Cameras was second behind the Fine Fools site in how fast it moved up the charts. Quality entries get linked by more places, it’s that simple.


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