I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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Damn I’m Cute Gets (White) Trashed

October 4th, 2025 by Scrivs

Something that is very interesting with this Community is receiving emails from people with ideas for sites and seeing how their ideas can be integrated into the current sites. Such was the case when Rhys Alexander emailed me and told me about the subject she wished to write about. To quote her email (hope she doesn’t mind and if she does I hope she isn’t looking):

So my topic is the glory of White Trash. I’m still thinking of a catchy name for it. (”Out of the Rubble”, maybe?)I’d include snippets from my own life, Internet sites dealing with white trash, news events/ products/etc…but with a fondness, rather than the classist scorn, usually associated with this category of people.

Now I am not sure how many people get these kinds of offers, but I certainly wasn’t going to turn it down and I knew the perfect site for it.

So yesterday, Rhys began writing for Damn I’m Cute and I must admit she started off with a bang. Looking forward to seeing the contrasts in content that develops on the site since I focus mainly on celebrities and she will focus on the White Trash lifestyle. Quality content at its best I must say.


4 Responses to “Damn I’m Cute Gets (White) Trashed”

  1. Rhys Says:

    Aw, thanks! You are a prince among men! Fine Fools rules. Any writers out there looking for a home: this is where you should be! :)

  2. Justin Palmer Says:

    Just a heads up, I seem to be allowed to comment on any FF blog except the damnimcute blog. Perhaps this is unintentional?

  3. Scrivs Says:

    Hmm, I will look into that Justin. Do you get any errors or anything?

  4. Justin Palmer Says:

    I don’t get an error; I get a link telling me I need to login before I can comment. When you click the login link you are taken to this link :http://damnimcute.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http://damnimcute.com/need-help/keifer-sutherland-is-a-creature-from-the-black-lagoon/ (Assuming your coming from the newest story about Keifer).


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