I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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It’s Useless On TotalFark.com

September 30th, 2025 by Scrivs

The first week of Fine Fools is almost up and we finish off with a bang. It’s Useless got linked up by TotalFark.com today. TotalFark is the members area of Fark so the traffic isn’t as immense as it would have been if it was posted on Fark’s homepage, but exciting nonetheless.

So we have links from Joystiq and TotalFark in the first week of this community’s existence. Not bad and we aren’t even rolling yet.

Gardgy should pickup next week as writers start moving there and that means every site, besides Work Boxers and Movable Phone, will have writers on them besides me.

All writers in the community only have a couple hours left to get their entries out for this week because as stated in the Writing Standards writers can not publish on the weekends.


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