I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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Join The Community

September 26th, 2025 by Scrivs

Would you like to write on one of the sites in the Fine Fools Community? It’s really simple as long as you have a passion for the topic and a dedication to providing quality content. Rehashing information will do you no good around here and posting 50 times a day serves little purpose. You get what you put in. Simple as that.

If you are interested shoot an email to scrivs{AT}workboxers.com and make sure to answer these questions:

  • What site(s) do you wish to write for?
  • What type of content would you provide?
  • How often do you think you could write without seeing a drop in the quality of your content?
  • How tall am I?

Maybe you have an idea for a site that you think would work well within the community? Let me know. I’m pretty open to anything that doesn’t involve aardvarks. Seriously though, if you have an idea, no matter how unconventional it is toss it my way. We can have fun with it.


9 Responses to “Join The Community”

  1. Stephen Labuda Says:

    Blog Networking

    I am thinking of applying to one of the blog networks. In general, I am not as interested in the traffic as I am in the ability to interact with other members of the network and learn to become a

  2. Elliot Says:

    How are you promoting Fine Fools? I’m sure we’d get a lot more ideas with more awareness.

  3. Scrivs Says:

    As of right just through the sites I currently run. I was going to wait till the redesign was done before I did an all out attack…err campaign.

  4. Melissa Says:

    so Scrivs… how tall are you?!

  5. Scrivs Says:


  6. Melissa Says:

    If our path ever cross, make sure that you are sitting down. Perhaps, we’d be the same height then! haha

  7. Jennifer Clay Says:

    Well, I guess you could say I have an idea. More like a derivative idea, but an idea nonetheless. A pop culture blog. Yes, a la “Pink is the new blog” or “Perez Hilton” but more pop culture-driven and a little, just a little, less celebrity-driven. Basically, I discuss whatever I would discuss with co-workers (if I had them) at the water cooler at the office (if I went to one). Thoughts? Ideas? Comments? All are appreciated.
    Otherwise, totally give me a chance to write for one of the other blogs. Cause I basically just don’t ever want to set foot in an office again.

  8. The Importance of Fine Fools » A Jack of All Blogs Says:

    […] So if you don’t like it, leave.Or better yet. Join. […]

  9. Is it a Community or a Network? » A Jack of All Blogs Says:

    […] Let’s pull one of the lovely letters out of my way to full inbox. And see what my lovely readers have to say. To Nick Denton CC: Jack of All Blogs Who are you guys? Are they another blog network. I am so tired of all these imitations. Besides they really could use some branding help. Some companies just don’t know what their identity is. One such company is Fine Fools. Head on over to their homepage. Their title in my browser reads Fine Fools Community and yet the logo says Fine Fools Network. Later the author references it as a community when asking people to join. […]

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