I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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New Designs Hitting the Web

November 22nd, 2025 by Scrivs

Well you didn’t think that the Fine Fools writers or Mike Rundle would let me get away with keeping my bland template for all Fine Fools sites did you? Too see where we are going with the Network checkout Jack of All Blogs. A bit funky eh?

Now I can’t exactly tell you the reasoning behind the design, but let’s just say we wanted something different than the other networks that gave us a unique feel. We didn’t want any controversy like Creative Weblogging had with WIN. No sir, if you take our look (not the two colummns, the actual look) then there is simply no mistaking it. At least that’s what I asked for and what Rundle gave me is a design that is so different from his other stuff you can tell he was getting a bit anxious working under my iron grip.

For all Fine Fools writers, take notice, your sites will be sporting new designs as well. JOAB just got it first because we knew we could mess with that design because absolutely nobody likes to read his site :) . The templates will be the same, but new color schemes for each site will exist.

Just another chapter in trying to make us stand out from the rest of the crowd because we are a tad different. Can there be improvements? Of course and things will be ironed out over time, but when you have a Network with a personality such as Fine Fools it deserves to be dressed up in a design that share its personality.


15 Responses to “New Designs Hitting the Web”

  1. Melissa Says:

    coolness! I saw dave’s site and got all jealous! hahaha

  2. Nicole Says:

    The design is hot. Good work, Rundle.

  3. Mike Rundle Says:

    Thanks y’all ;)

    See Nicole, if I addressed you by the last name of Swan, I don’t think it would have the same effect since Swan is so elegant and wondrous. Oh well.

  4. Mike Rundle Says:

    And because my last name is so ugly and stumpy.

  5. Liberalcowboy Says:

    The design rocks Mike. I have been so antsy to see it live since Scrivs sent me a pic of it. It’s fricking sexxy yeah.

  6. Nicole Says:

    Oh, Rundle, don’t be so hard on your last name. Plus, while I may have the graceful last name (in no way indicative of the bearer of the last name), you have the rockin’ design skills — so maybe we’re even. :D

  7. Mike Rundle Says:

    Haha thanks Nicole :)

  8. Kristene Hekmi Says:

    I love the new design and can’t wait to see the rest of the changes!

  9. ME Strauss Says:

    YEA! Mike. You are genius! Elegant, simple and so hot!
    Laid bad, sexy, and lots of class. Blue jeans and diamonds. Yeah it rocks.

  10. actionBERG Says:

    Very nice stuff.

    Can’t wait to see what is in store for Sports Four.

  11. melody Says:

    I like. I think I’d like it better if it were centered tho, so much space on the right side of my big screen. BUT I’m not complainin, I’ll take it!

  12. melody Says:

    On second look, I like it uncentered too. I also kinda like the plain old red and white look too, lol. I’m easy (to please).

  13. Guy Says:

    Simply awesome! Can’t wait to get me some on itsuseless.

  14. Shawn Anthony Says:

    Great look! The brand evolves …

  15. Blog Marketing, Blog Promotion for Newbies » Blog Archive » Can’t Resist? Says:

    […] Now, I ought to consider that I may be jumping ahead of myself but my envy is taking hold because SuccessfulBlog, Jack of All Blogs, Damn I’m Cute along with other Fine Fools Network Blogs have been beautifully redesigned plus many, many really good looking 3rd Generation Blogs have been added to the 9rules Network, I feel a bit overcome with the need to let you know that it may not be much longer before this Blog will be looking VERY different! […]

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