I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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Web 2.0 Blog

November 30th, 2025 by Scrivs

I’m not one to miss crazes so when Derek Lakin came to me proposing that he write on Web 2.0 stuff I knew for sure I had to start a Web 2.0 site. Are you tired of seeing Web 2.0 in this entry well if so then go on over to the Web 2.0 blog and ignore everything Web 2.0.

Derek is a very smart guy and his entries over at Bill’s Baby have been making quite a splash in the developer community (more on that later) and I look forward to working with him on the Web 2.0 blog. Work with him you say? Yes indeed, Scrivs will be doing some writing on Web 2.0 and what it means for all of us because I like talking about stuff in which I really have no idea what I am talking about.

Should be fun.


One Response to “Web 2.0 Blog”

  1. Derek Lakin Says:

    It’s nice to have Web 2.0 Blog finally out in the open and I look forward to working with you too.

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