I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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A Slow Day

October 14th, 2025 by Scrivs

Going to be a slow day with light posting around the network. Expect things to ramp back up on Monday and maybe some more site launches next week. Those were quite possibly the two most exciting sentences you will read in the blogosphere today. Remember them.


3 Responses to “A Slow Day”

  1. Sam Says:

    Those were quite possibly the two most exciting sentences you will read in the blogosphere today. Remember them.

    Uh oh… Hubris is dangerous, my friend :)

  2. Jamsi Says:

    *shock horror* slow day in the blogosphere! Captain turn the ship around!

    Care to explain the reasoning behind your post Paul? Is there something I’m missing?

  3. Scrivs Says:

    Well currently I make up the majority of the posts behind the Network and I have a posting schedule to follow. Yesterday I was unable to follow that schedule so before anyone called me out on it I wanted to write a post real quick.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

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