I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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Happy Thanksgiving

November 24th, 2025 by Scrivs

I would like to wish all my writers and readers a Happy Thanksgiving. Hopefully the writers remember they aren’t supposed to write on holidays, but some will probably sneak something in anyways. Time for more fun tomorrow.


5 Responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”

  1. Paul Watson Says:

    I take it it is ok for FF authors not in a Thanks Giving celebrating nation to post? I’ve never celebrated Thanks Giving day in my life and they don’t do it here in Ireland either.

  2. Liberalcowboy Says:

    I haven’t accomplished success yet. What’s to be thankful for? When I succeed. Then I will rest.

    But happy thanksgiving to everyone else. I love ya. No really I do.

  3. Melissa Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!

  4. ME Strauss Says:

    Yessiree! Happy Holiday! If you’re not having one, make one up!

  5. melody Says:

    Note to Scrivs: On my blog you’ll see an entry for Nov. 26th, making it look like I posted on Saturday, like I’m a worthless no-good rule-breaker. However, I’m central time, haven’t changed the settings to hollyshow, and it’s still 11:52 pm Friday night for me, lol. I’m a good girl!

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