Where the Fools come to play
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we need an internal blog. so i can vent more and share dirty net secrets. and all kinds of fun. forums are cool. but i would like to also have an internal blog.
According to the web I suspended you.
According to the web, he's suspended from his blog. As his lawyer I don't see where it says he's suspended from this forum.
In all seriousness though an internal blog can be a security headache down the road unless I give everyone individual accounts to login. For example, if Cowboy pisses me off and I send him packing I would have to change the FF secure login to the blog just so he can't come back to sabotage things. Of course I am not the most technical of people so maybe there is an easier solution.
b5's is at http://internal.b5media.com/ if anybody was curious.
Actually Scrivs it would be easy to do. You could even keep it on the front page of FF all you would have to do is read this http://wordpress.org/support/topic/33930
If you fired or sent me packing all you would have to do is delete the user account and they wouldn't have access any longer. Not the entire thing.
There are other ways to do this. But ultimately I think it will be good for business. It's not like we don't talk about this shit via email anyhow.
Last edited by Cowboy (2025-12-11 13:47:58)
was that suspension for real? darn, i am getting confused here at fine fools. don't know anymore which i should take seriously. hehe.
haha. internal b5media blog was supposed to be a secret. am part of it, you know. haha.
i have known about internal.b5media.com since it started showing up in my referrer log, but have thought we needed something like this to daal with suspensions and such. i will not discuss the suspension in public but thanks.
Yeah once you start clickin on links from an internal blog and they show up in your logs the secret kind of gets out :-)
What would go on an internal blog that we wouldn't want non-fools to see?
I'd actually like to start a scrap/internal/draft/wasamacalit blog for ilc specifically so that we can collaborate better. I am keeping too many links and scraps of articles in Draft status on WordPress. None of the other authors can view those drafts. Even if non-fools get to see the draft-blog it could be an interesting experiment. Stuff is just posted up there as we find it and then moved over to the main blog with our added, uh, wisdom.
Come on Scrivs give us internal features.
I am happy to start an internal blog off of my hosting using WP and password protected if needs be. e.g. paulmwatson.com/ilc
Give me till the weekend to get my ish together.
Did you get your shit together yet?
Obviously not. Enjoying the holidays for a bit longer than anticipated :-)