I could say something cool about how Fine Fools is changing the landscape of problogging (which it isn't...I don't think...maybe it is...is it?), but I can't because I am tired and tired people don't say cool things. They are just too tired. We are cool.

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Member’s Agreement

September 26th, 2025 by Scrivs

Fine Fools Member’s Agreement v0.02

The undersigned (”Member”), by accepting this Agreement to Paul Scrivens, acknowledges that they wish to become a Member and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Member understands that Paul Scrivens has sole discretion over whether to accept or reject Member’s acceptance into the community, and that this agreement will not be binding unless Member has been notified of such acceptance.


1. Our Promise

We promise to provide you with the resources needed to write quality content within the community. We promise that you will receive 100% of the Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher Network revenue that your individual articles produce as long as you maintain an account with either service. If you do not have an account with either Google or Yahoo! we promise to provide you with a channel on our account and you will receive 80% of the revenue that your individual articles produce.

We promise that if you decide to leave the community on your own will that we will keep your ad code up for 90 days after your departure. If you are asked to leave because you did not maintain the standards set forth by the community then your ad code will be removed immediately upon your dismissal.

2. Your Promise

You promise to maintain the standards that have been set by the community and will strive to continuously improve the quality of the sites you write for and the community that they are in.

3. Voiding Agreement

If either of the parties fails to meet the promises set above, the counter party have the right to void this agreement effective immediately.


6 Responses to “Member’s Agreement”

  1. Scrivs Says:

    I’m going to leave the first comment to say that opinions are welcomed here. The 80/20 split on revenue when I have to manage the account occurs because I am making the 20% a maintenance fee.

    I still think some stuff is vague, like the reference to the standards (meaning I will have to come up with a standards document), but since it’s v0.01 it will always be a work in progress.

    Well not always, but you get the idea.

  2. Scott Kidder Says:

    It still mentions 9rules in the first paragraph…

    Neat idea, though.

  3. Scrivs Says:

    Well that is an unfortunate oversight. Fixed and version number changed. Thanks for making me aware of my stupidity Scott.

  4. Scott Kidder Says:

    Ha, I’d hardly call this project “stupidity.”

    So far, so good, eh?

  5. Scrivs Says:

    I’m liking what I am seeing so far. Baby steps man, baby steps.

  6. Denken Über » Lista de redes de Weblogs Says:

    […] La gente de Blog Herald hizo una lista actualizada de 36 redes de weblogs que hay ya en el mundo. A la lista le faltan una par de ejemplos bastante interesantes que, no sé si por falta de criterios o por no ser un 95% similares a las otras, no se incluyen. Pero me parecieron interesantes para destacar. - Finefools es la red de Scrivs, uno de los fundadores de 9Rules. Que como cosa interesante es la única que hace públicos los acuerdos con sus escritores y el estándar que quieren lograr.. me parece genial la idea de la transparencia que muchas otras no tienen. (Nota relacionada) - 9Rules, en este caso quizás no entra en la lista, por no ser algo centralizado a nivel ingresos, management de los blogs; pero la idea de una red más comunitaria en cuanto a relación entre el tronco y sus “ramas” me parece interesante. - Hipertextual ¿no es esto una pequeña red en constante expansión? Es cierto, tal vez no es el modelo tradicional, pero creo que es una red. - StateInformer en realidad es un experimento de periodismo ciudadano distribuido que blogguea sobre diferentes ciudades de Estados Unidos y que es mucho más abierta, y tal vez informal, que otras, pero es una buena idea. […]

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